Publishing Partner Network

The DPG Media network continues to grow. This way we can offer our advertisers the largest reach in the Netherlands.

Extra reach & value for every online campaign

Besides advertising on the trusted brands of DPG Media, we also offer online advertising possibilities on brands of our Publishing Partners. These brands offer added value on (target group) reach, within a certain environment or in another phase of the customer journey.

With a combined online reach of 9.9 million unique visitors per month, the Publishing Partner Network increases DPG media’s unique online reach per month by 7% to 12.1 million. The Publishing Partners are part of the DPG Media network which allows partner titles to be easily included in ADoptimize, manual or programmatic campaigns.

Become a Publishing Partner?

For our Publishing Partners we take care of the display sales from adtech to sales. Do you want to become a partner? Please contact Jeffrey Snijders on 06 46828186 or at