Branded content increases knowledge level about sustainability of Eindhoven Airport in the region

Sustainability is important for Eindhoven Airport. Together with various partners, they are working hard to make the airport more sustainable with the aim of reducing its impact on the environment and the surrounding area. They do this, for example, by reducing noise and CO2 emissions. By using branded content, the knowledge level about Eindhoven Airport's sustainability activities in the region was increased, resulting in a more positive attitude towards the airport. Wondering how DPG Media helped to achieve this? You can read about it below.

The challenge

Eindhoven Airport wants to increase knowledge about and support for sustainability activities in the region

Eindhoven Airport shows through various initiatives that it takes its responsibility and contributes with concrete steps to making aviation more sustainable. This includes innovative actions. One example is that Eindhoven Airport is the first airport to use cameras to reduce noise pollution and CO2 emissions. But also with other initiatives, together with partners, the airport shows its commitment to the region. With the aim of increasing the level of knowledge about sustainability initiatives and support for the airport, effective ways were sought to get this message across.

We are satisfied with the outcome of the campaign, which has improved our image and associations with our airport. The level of knowledge about our sustainability efforts has also increased, leading to greater understanding and appreciation.

Judith de Roy
Woordvoerder en communicatieadviseur Eindhoven Airport

The solution

Targeted airport communication through branded content articles

Airports meet consumers' mobility needs. But aviation also has negative effects. Noise pollution and pollutant emissions must therefore be reduced. The government wants safe and sustainable aviation with good connections to important destinations in the world. This is described in the Aviation Memorandum. Sentiment about aviation has changed in recent years. The desire to keep flying persists but negative effects of aviation are also viewed more critically. To improve sentiment about the airport among both local residents, a targeted branded content strategy was chosen in this campaign. A series of articles, in both print and online, told about various topics related to airport sustainability.

A behind-the-scenes look at working at the airport

The articles did not only focus on the steps towards sustainability. Other topics were also covered to increase the level of knowledge of the airport and all its activities. For example, a behind-the-scenes look at the airport was given, topical issues were addressed by providing tips on summer travel, and facts about the airport were shared.

Cooperation with partners

The airport cooperates with partners to make a positive contribution to business services in the region. WTC-E (World Trade Center Eindhoven), for example, plays an important role in this. From their community with governments, knowledge institutions and entrepreneurs, the organisation tries to connect and help other organisations to do international business. Eindhoven Airport often connects very nicely to this as a practical partner.

Just the right target group in the region

For this campaign, the airport wanted to achieve the highest possible unique reach in the region. DPG Media ran an overlap analysis between different titles in order to find optimal reach and minimise overlap. The titles chosen were Eindhovens Dagblad,, De Ondernemer and indebuurt (Eindhoven). Branded content articles were published within these titles. Successful partner stories were shared via De Ondernemer, in which entrepreneurs explained their cooperation with the airport in an interview.

The result

Campaign conveys the right message

The survey further shows that the campaign message was well received. Eindhoven Airport is widely recognised for its ease of travel (86%). A strong majority of respondents agree that the airport has good connections to European countries and cities (81%), making the Eindhoven region quickly and easily accessible (71%).


Participating in this campaign were

  • Bo Vlemmings (accountmanager en projectmanager DPG Media)
  • Niels Jansen (digitaal specialist DPG Media)
  • Thijs Dingemans (titelspecialist Nieuws DPG Media)
  • Yara Vestering (content en creatie DPG Media)
  • Rosan Buiter (campagne manager DPG Media)

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Would you like to increase your brand awareness, brand preference and consideration, and thereby generate more sales? Then contact the media advisors of DPG Media today for a non-binding consultation. They are happy to help you figure out how to successfully bring your message to the attention of the right target audience.

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