The combination of Ad Manager, Datalab and Seamless Ads delivers Decathlon 6 times more traffic

The challenge

The combination of Ad Manager, Datalab and Seamless Ads delivers Decathlon 6x more traffic

Decathlon exceeded their campaign benchmark with the use of DPG Media's self-service platforms, Ad Manager and Datalab, combined with the deployment of Seamless Ads. The Seamless Ad, an ad that adapts to the look and feel of the sites and apps in which it is displayed and is therefore perceived as less disruptive, was targeted to the intended audience with deployment of Datalab by leveraging DPG Media's rich first-party data. By then buying in through the self-service platform Ad Manager that allows you to set up your own digital campaigns on DPG Media's qualitative network, Decathlon benefited from fast and effective campaign set-up. Are you curious how this combined approach leads to successful results? Then read on!

'Move people through the wonders of sport'

Decathlon's mission is clear: to make sport accessible to everyone. The organization wants to encourage people to move and touch them with beautiful sports memories. Decathlon offers a wide range of competitively priced sporting goods with which they want to make sports accessible to everyone. Currently, a very emerging trend is backpacking. The backpacking Dutch target group consists mainly of men and women in the age category 18 to 35. These sporty people are looking for adventure and freedom, have a limited budget and are mostly

Thanks to Ad Manager, we reach the right audience within DPG Media's quality network. The optimized purchasing chains and innovations such as Seamless Ads and Datalab contribute to measurable results: more efficiency and better campaign performance.

Bob Goselink - Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist @ Decathlon

The solution

Full control with Ad Manager

Decathlon decided to use Ad Manager, Datalab and Seamless Ads. With the self-service platform Ad Manager, Decathlon retained full control over their ad campaigns within an intuitive and user-friendly interface, which works thirty percent faster than competing ad platforms. In addition, Decathlon benefited from a highly optimized digital procurement chain. With no technology costs associated with Ad Manager, every euro of the campaign budget was converted 100% into media value.

Targeted targeting through Datalab

Decathlon began their campaign setup by building the Backpacking target audience in Datalab by creating a custom audience based on DPG Media's first-party data. This used socio-demographic targeting and relevant keywords related to adventure travel and backpacking, based on consumer browsing behavior on DPG Media's network.

Higher engagement through Seamless Ads

Next, Decathlon transformed its existing standard IAB banners into DPG Media's unique Seamless Carousel within minutes in Ad Manager's Ad Studio. This form of Seamless Ads is an interactive ad that provides the right space for storytelling, resulting in higher user engagement. This is exactly what Decathlon needed to generate traffic to its website from backpacking Holland.

Optimal synergy between DPG Media's platforms.

The custom audience was pushed from Datalab to Ad Manager with the click of a button, and within minutes the Seamless Carousel was also ready for use. This allowed the campaign to be quickly set up by Decathlon in Ad Manager and distributed through DPG Media's quality network. This perfectly completed the full self-serve circle of audience targeting, creation, media activation and optimization.

The result

Extraordinarily effective and extremely efficient

Decathlon far exceeded their campaign benchmark with this combined deployment of Datalab, Seamless Ads and Ad Manager. They achieved a six times higher click-through rate (CTR) and a five times lower cost per click (CPC) than on competing media platforms where the campaign was also running. Competing platforms used standard IAB banners in HTML5, with the same visuals and copy used in the Seamless Carousel. The targeted future-proof targeting thanks to Datalab's deployment and the use of the impactful Seamless Ads combined with the powerful optimization and cost savings through Ad Manager made this campaign not only extremely effective but also extremely efficient.

Campaign images

This campaign is due to

Make an impression

Would you like to increase your brand awareness, brand preference and consideration, and thereby generate more sales? Then contact the media advisors of DPG Media today for a non-binding consultation. They are happy to help you figure out how to successfully bring your message to the attention of the right target audience.

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