Research and insights

We carry out analyses and draw up reports
We participate in the NOM, VINEX (NOBO) and NMO reach studies and can use these to draw up media plans and target group analyses. With our own BSR Quality Planner, a partnership with MarketResponse, we also have insight into the psychographic value profile of a large number of brands. We are actively involved in industry organisations such as the Magazine Media Association (MMA) and NDP Nieuwsmedia. We have access to the publications of the Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Commerciële Communicatie (SWOCC) of the University of Amsterdam, the Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC) of the University of Groningen and various foreign knowledge institutes.
More information
We carry out market research together with recognised research agencies.
On an ad hoc basis we use questionnaires to collect data with Panel Inzicht on developments in the field of media, target groups or certain industries. With Brandfacts, we measure the 'brand uplift' of digital campaigns on the DPG Media network. We regularly carry out campaign impact measurements and process findings and learnings in case studies. In our Advertising Impact Monitor (AIM) we test a number of ads with Metrixlab every month to map out the power of creation. We also conduct large-scale, innovative studies and share the results with the market. Think of various studies on trust in media and a series of studies on the effect and importance of attention.