De Ronde tegen Corona (VTM/HLN)
On 5 April, VTM and HLN sent out a helicopter all over Flanders to connect as many people as possible with a message for each other. The images of the many actions could be followed all day long on HLN.be, in the HLN-app and at VTM.
A bright spring sun, nearly 10,000 submitted actions all over Flanders and a helicopter: the recipe for a heartwarming Tour against Corona, an initiative of HLN and VTM. With their tour across Flanders, HLN and VTM wanted to connect everyone at a time when we are all distanced from each other. Through the heart-warming messages in the streets, in gardens, on roofs of businesses, etc., the Flemings wished each other strength and many put their hearts into the hearts of those who now keep the country running.
627000 Flemings watched at least 5 minutes of De Ronde tegen corona on TV
3 million unique visitors to HLN.be; almost 1 million more than on an average Sunday
11 million video views for the Ronde tegen corona on HLN.be

6 national partners
Each partner received five overlays on the helicopter footage on TV and via online streaming throughout the Ronde. This way, they were able to reinforce their message.
2 regional partners
Each partner received 1 overlay on the helicopter footage on TV and via online streaming. This way, they were able to reinforce their message. In addition, the regional partners received a pre-roll for all videos of all municipalities within their province.
The Round Against Corona was a daring initiative! In a very short time, a crazy idea became an unforgettable story in which we stood 100% in our DPG Media strength. An ultimate collaboration between Newscity, entertainment and advertising.

KBC - Heart under the belt of Flemings
With a large banner in front of their head office, they put their heart into the hearts of the Flemish people: "Strong together. Take care of yourself and each other!" Valérie Bracke, Head of Department Brand, Media and Communication KBC: "We at KBC also have a very warm feeling about this De Ronde against Corona. The cooperation, the action and the fantastic flexibility that DPG Media has shown have been top notch for us!"
SPORT VLAANDEREN - Keep moving is the message
Sport Vlaanderen called on people to keep on exercising and moving. The Flemish people were urged to keep fit by means of billboards around the broadcast on VTM and through the livestream on HLN.be.
ORANGE - fan of the people staying at home
With the message "Fan of everyone who stays at home. #They gave a thumbs up to their stay-at-home customers.
ENECO - warm heart for its customers and for a healthy planet
Eneco had a message for its customers: "A warm heart for all our customers who take care of a sustainable and healthy planet. #staysafe". When the helicopter flew over Eneco's wind farm in Zeebrugge, an appropriate overlay appeared on the screen: "Building a sustainable and healthy planet, they do that well in Zeebrugge? #staysafe".

De Ronde tegen Corona
LIDL - thanking its employees
When the helicopter passed over the head office of Lidl, the message "Merci to all our 10,000 colleagues for their heartwarming commitment. #lidlheroes". There was also another message that was shown at other times: "We find your efforts broccoli! #caregoodfor-eachother".
NATIONAL LOTERY - Thanking its players
With the message "Thanks to all the players! Thanks to you, we can continue to support many good causes", the National Lottery wants to thank its audience, who continue to play even in coronation times.
Fou d'eau swimming pools - looking forward to the summer
After the quarantine, it is time to enjoy the summer again and Fou d'eau is looking forward to that with its message: "Fou d'eau pools wishes everyone lots of courage. Together we look forward to the summer!
Euro Shop - a heart for the people of West Flanders
At Euro Shop, a cycling race was held on home trainers and this was recorded by helicopter. With the message "Euro Shop supports West Flanders against Corona", they put a heart under the belt of their West Flemish customers.