Case VLAM - Het Streekproduct

VLAM wanted to put the label in the spotlight. After all, regional products are only officially recognised when they receive this label, so it is certainly something to be proud of.

Basic info

  • Advertiser: VLAM

  • Title/platform: DM Magazine,,

  • Sector: Regional products

  • Period: May - October 2019 

Campaign info

VLAM wanted to put the label in the spotlight. After all, regional products are only officially recognised when they receive this label, so it is certainly something to be proud of.

On the one hand, we worked with native content. An inspiring native article per province appeared in DM Magazine and on and, in which a number of striking regional products were featured. One native page also appeared in Het Laatste Nieuws.

In addition, we organised an election: Het Streekproduct 2019, for which readers could vote. In this way, the quality label was put in the spotlight. Because this was to be a strong, regional campaign, we decided to work together with HLN In de buurt.

The redaction has created a lot of content for this purpose. Initially, there was an announcement of the competition in each region, as well as an announcement of the "Regional Products Market". In the newspaper and online, 140 regional articles about the different regional products were also published. In a second phase, an article about the finalist was published in each region, both in the newspaper and online. In addition, videos were posted on On 28 September, the national winner was announced in a video, an online article and a newspaper article (regional and national). Of the 15 finalists, the Lokerse horse sausage emerged as the winner and took the first prize.

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