Case - Proximus - At The Festivals
In the summer of 2018, Proximus launched 'Epic', a new mobile subscription with unlimited data for the social media and music apps most frequently used by young people. As an Epic subscriber you can also enjoy some extras, such as epic experiences, gifts, the opportunity to take part in competitions, etc.
Basic Info
Advertiser: Proximus
Product/brand: Epic
Title/platform: At The Festivals
Sector: Telecom
Period: July - August 2018

Campagne info
Proximus challenged us to promote Epic with 2 important KPIs:
Make the Epic brand well-known and create the right brand image for it with the target group (= millennials).
Create epic experiences for the target group and distribute this epic feeling of belonging to the target group.
Epic matches 100% with the timing, target group and values of At The Festivals. Based on this insight, we set up an intense branded content cooperation between both brands.
First of all, we ensured that brand awareness received a strong boost by linking Epic with 7"-billboards, jingles and banners in all our At The Festivals content shown on TV (Q2 and VTM) and online (26/12.be, atthefestivals.be, vtm.be, etc.).
In addition, our Q presenters Jolien Roets and Marie Monballiu treated a number of random festival-goers at Werchter and Pukkelpop to an epic festival experience:
A lift to the Werchter festival field with a private concert of OT in the taxi.
A culinary food tour with Sophie Dumont around the field.
A party bus with a dance floor, DJ and bar to Pukkelpop.
Exclusive access to the secret room at Pukkelpop with a surprise performance by Kodaline.
These epic festival experiences were shown in short infomercials of 2-3 minutes on TV (VTM and Q2) and on all our online At The Festivals channels (hln.be, ATF Facebook page, Q2.be, etc.). Epic is always incorporated in the videos in a natural way.
The match between At The Festivals and Epic was simply perfect. Thanks to the wide range of At The Festivals cross media coverage we were able to reach our scope objectives for both TV and online within the right target group.

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