Way of Working Newspapers & Magazines
Request campaign
The rule is first in, first served. You can reserve an advertisement at any time. Always take into account the availability of the product and respect the reservation deadlines as stated on the site. The deadlines in the table apply to advertisements in the basic newspaper or weekend supplements. These deadlines only apply to regular advertisements. Contact us if you want a creative advertisement or if you want to advertise in a special. A booking is only valid when we have received a signed order form - fully completed -, including the contact details of the contact person for the material.
Reservation by email: print.sales@dpgmedia.be
Option policy
Options must be confirmed at least 3 business days before the reservation deadline. Options remain valid for 10 business days, and may only be extended once for an additional period of 10 business days. An option can be taken up to 12 months before the publication date. In all cases, DPG Media reserves the right to determine whether or not an option may be granted, depending on the available space, among other things. A signed receipt for one of our products on which an option has already been taken gives the first option taker the time to confirm his option. The time limit for this is 48 hours. If the first option is not confirmed, the new order can proceed. If an option is not confirmed in time, DPG Media cannot guarantee the date of publication or start date, nor can it provide a (preferred) placement.
Exceptions to option policy
With unpredictable Top Topicals, flexibility is possible for newspapers: confirmation possible until the day before publication, until 12:00. in the afternoon
The 10-day rule does not apply to creative formulas, given the deadlines for delivery of blanks and final copies.
When a creative formula is reserved, it takes precedence over the applicable rules for the allocation of covers.
Change a campaign
You can change a campaign period up to 3 working days before the reservation deadline. Changing a product type/format or special placement is only possible with the approval of your account manager at DPG Media and at the latest 3 working days before the reservation deadline.
Evidence numbers
We always provide a digital proof number of the title in which the advertisement appeared free of charge.
Deadlines and delivery conditions
Newspapers: 2 working days before publication in the daily newspaper. A longer term applies for all attachments.
Non-print-ready material
DPG media offers the possibility to have your advertisement prepared by our graphics unit. Individual parts of the advertisement can be submitted digitally via AdPoint. In most cases, this involves photos, logos or individual texts.
Software allowed for the different components:
- Photoshop CS5 (minimum 200 DPI, JPEG)
- Illustrator CS5 (EPS, converting fonts in letter outlines/vectors)
- Word, PowerPoint and Excel are only used for submitting texts
- 3 days before the print-ready materials deadline (submit materials via AdPoint)
Print-ready material
DPG media supports the Belgian ‘Medibel+ standard’ for submitting advertisements in the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Please refer to the website of Medibel+ for additional info www.medibelplus.be
In addition to an elaborate manual, it also contains the export profiles for the current graphics packages. Please note that a distinction must be made between newspapers and magazines.
When naming your file, the following items must be provided:
- Client
- Publication
- Date of publication
- ICC profile, ISO Coated or ISO Newspaper (IC or INP)
How to deliver?
Via the link to our submission platform AdPoint, which is provided to you in the reservation email.
For questions regarding submission and/or technical printing properties of our printing presses, do not hesitate to contact the Prepress Team via the number 09/353.48.18
Campaign requests
The rule is: first come, first served. You can reserve an advertisement at any time. In doing so, always consider the availability of the product and respect the reservation deadlines as mentioned on the website.
You can reserve your advertising space by email. The sooner you reserve for the themes, the more we can consider your placement requests.
Contact us if you wish to place a creative formula or wish to advertise in a special.
A booking only becomes effective once we receive a signed, duly completed order form, including the contact information of the contact person for the materials.
Reservation by email: print.sales@dpgmedia.be
Option policy
Options remain valid for 10 working days and can only be extended once for an additional period of 10 working days. An option can be taken no more than 12 months before the date of publication. In any case, DPG Media reserves the right to determine if an option may be granted or not, based on the available space, among other things. A signed order form for one of our products on which an option has already been placed, gives the first option holder the time to confirm his option. The term to do so is 48h. If the first option is not confirmed, the new order may be proceeded with. If an option is not confirmed in time, DPG Media can neither guarantee the date of publication or start date, nor provide placement (preferential or otherwise).
Exceptions to option policy
The 10-day rule does not apply to creative formulas, given the deadlines for delivery of blanks and final copies.
When a creative formula is reserved, it will have priority over the applicable rules for the granting of covers.
Changing a campaign
The period of a campaign can be changed up until 3 working days before the reservation deadline. Changing a product type/format or special placement is only possible with the agreement of your account manager at DPG Media, 3 working days before the reservation deadline at most.
- Magazines and specials: specific deadlines apply for each magazine/special.
- Creative formulas: can be consulted here > for each title, you will find more information on the creative formulas that are available.
In case of non-compliance with the deadlines, the publication date/starting date and preferential placement are no longer guaranteed. Your campaign may therefore be launched at a later time or not at all. This may be done without prior notification.
Cover pages, prominent placements and special formulas cannot be cancelled.
Non-print-ready material
DPG Media offers the possibility to have your advertisement prepared by our graphics unit. Individual parts of the advertisement can be submitted digitally via AdPoint. In most cases, this involves photos, logos or individual texts.
Software allowed for the different components:
• Images: Photoshop JPEG or TIFF (min. 225 DPI = high resolution), no PNG, no zip files
• Logos: Illustrator EPS (converting fonts to letter outlines)
• Text: Word (docx)
Materials deadline is sent with the advertising system’s automatic email.
Print-ready material
We support the Belgian ‘Medibel+ standard’ for submitting advertisements in the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. You can find more info about this on www.medibelplus.be
In addition to an elaborate manual, it also contains the export profiles for the current graphics packages. In this regard, please note that a distinction is made between newspapers and magazines.
When naming your file, the following items must be provided:
- Client
- Publication
- Date of publication
- ICC profile, ISO Coated or ISO Newspaper (IC or INP)
Submission method
Via the link to our submission platform, which is provided to you in the reservation email.
For questions regarding submission and/or technical printing properties of our printing presses, do not hesitate to contact the Prepress Team via the number 09/353.48.18.